Grow Your Justice Heart


Generous Justice
Timothy Keller

In Generous Justice, Keller explores a life of justice empowered by an experience of grace: a generous, gracious justice. Here is a book for believers who find the Bible a trustworthy guide as well as those who suspect that Christianity is a regressive influence in the world.

When Helping Hurts
Steven Corbertt & Brian Fikkert

“When Helping Hurts” by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert explores the challenges of poverty alleviation, highlighting how good intentions can sometimes harm those in need. The book advocates for a more holistic approach to charity, focusing on empowering individuals and communities to address the root causes of poverty. It offers practical advice for individuals and organizations looking to make a positive impact without unintentionally causing harm.

Generosity is our Joy. Part of Liberty Church’s Big 5 vision is we see RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE as foundational to all that we do. We say that RIGHTEOUSNESS is to be in “right standing” with God and JUSTICE is to be in “right standing” with man. When we realise we are in “right standing” with God, we want to be in “right standing” with man. Once we realise our value in Christ, we are able to place that value on humanity. From an overflow of RIGHTEOUSNESS, there is JUSTICE. 

Matthew 14v14 says that when Jesus “went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.” When it comes to justice challenges in our world – we need to see, we need to move with compassion and we need to act.

 In our world today, we see many challenges, injustices, crisis & crimes – education, food relief, global warming, human trafficking… it is a very long list and it can be overwhelming. Often the size of the injustice can make us so despondent we don’t do anything. Where does one even start? Will one be able to make a difference?

As followers of Jesus, it starts with growing our heart, our families hearts, our life groups hearts, our community’s heart around justice. God works from the inside out, so by growing our heart around justice(inside) we experience change (outside). It starts with a few questions.

What do you see? What injustices do you see around you? At home, in your community, in your school, in your work?
From what you see, what moves you with compassion? What injustice “gets to” you? (People will have a heart for different justices, it’s a good thing. Again, we have to marvel at how God has wired us).
From what you see and what moves you, how do you act? This is a great place to start growing your heart around justice. What can you do?

At Liberty, we are a generous church, not just generous with our treasure but with our talent and time.

Sometimes the easiest way to start to grow a justice heart and act is by being generous with our TREASURE (our finances) – it may look like giving regularly, over and above one’s tithes & offering to a justice organisation that is close to your heart, your families heart…


(We have incredible NPOs represented in Liberty – Liberty Compassion, Safe & Sound, Utho Ngathi, Cross Connect, Set Free Foundation, Royal Staple, etc).

By giving to an established organisation, you’re enabling them to continue to do the work that they are called to do. Never underestimate what a consistent amount can do every month for an organisation.

To continue to grow a justice heart is by being generous with our TALENT (your gifts & skills) – what can you and your family bring to the table over and above your TREASURE. At Liberty Church, we are generous with our TALENT by serving in. a dream team, but you can go the extra mile.. Can you sort bottle tops or clothing, can you answer a phone, can you paint, can you build, can you love on someone, can you encourage. Not only is it being generous with our TALENT but being generous with our WORDS. Being generous with our words means even when we might feel tired or weary we choose to inspire, encourage and SPEAK LIFE to others.

We can be generous with our TIME – volunteering at a justice organisation, once a week or month, consistently. Yes, being generous with our TIME has a cost. It can cost us. But being GENEROUS with our TREASURE is a JOY, GENEROUS with our TALENT is a JOY, GENEROUS with our TIME is a JOY. He gave everything, so we gladly give everything to Him.

Liberty Church’s justice expression is Liberty Compassion.

Liberty Compassion exists to bring hope to those most vulnerable. Liberty Compassion assists: in Education (Homework Room & ECD project), with under resourced & vulnerable (Grocery Bags & Care Days), widows & orphans and in freedom form exploitation (raising awareness of human trafficking & gender based violence)

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