Who We Are


Bringing Hope To The Most Vulnerable


Matthew 14v14

When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

He saw. He had compassion. He healed them. So… WE SEE. WE ARE MOVED. WE ACT.

assorted plastic containers on brown wooden shelf

We See

  • We see the person
  • We see the environment / circumstances
  • We see the conditions
  • We see the unseen
  • We see potential
  • We recognize there is a problem and there is a solution
  • We become aware

We Are Moved

  • We make a choice – to ignore or engage
  • We are moved with emotion
  • We are moved with a strategy
  • We become intentional

We Act

  • We act with respect
  • We act with excellence
  • We act with integrity
  • We serve
  • We deliver

About Us

    Liberty Compassion is a registered Non Profit Company, established in 1999 as a community based outreach initiative.

    Liberty Compassion has four focus areas: EDUCATION (Pre School & Primary School), assisting the UNDER RESOURCED & VULNERABLE, assisting WIDOWS & ORPHANS, and FREEDOM FROM EXPLOITATION (anti human trafficking, GBV).

    Non Profit Company (NPC) Reg No: 2002/020142/08
    Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) Reg No: 033714
    Registered for Section 18A

    man in white nike hoodie holding red and white plastic toy car